January 2021 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
68428 29(3)
51465 34(2)
51341 34(1)
44791 33(3)
35993 30(1)
35792 36(2)
34568 29(1)
32518 31(2)
32515 35(3)
31865 34(3)

SciELO Analytics 2021. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at https://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 2 January 2021.


Top 10 articles mostly cited:

Number of requests Article
42449 Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.
26380 Ncontsa VN & Shumba A 2013. The nature, causes and effects of school violence in South African high schools. South African Journal of Education, 33(3):Art. #671, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201503070802
24095 Marais P 2016. “We can't believe what we see”: Overcrowded classrooms through the eyes of student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 36(2):Art. # 1201, 10 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v36n2a1201"
22908 Donohue D & Bornman J 2014. The challenges of realising inclusive education in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 34(2):Art. # 806, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201412071114
21924 Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v29n1a234"
21435 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.
15923 Moyo G, Khewu NPD & Bayaga A 2014. Disciplinary practices in schools and principles of alternatives to corporal punishment strategies. South African Journal of Education, 34(1):Art. # 779, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201412120952"
13414 Nel N & Müller H 2010. The impact of teachers’ limited English proficiency on English second language learners in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(4):635-650. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v30n4a393"
10881 Ferreira C & Schulze S 2014. Teachers’ experience of the implementation of values in education in schools: “Mind the gap”. South African Journal of Education, 34(1):Art. # 727, 13 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201412120939"
10668 Du Plessis P & Mestry R 2019. Teachers for rural schools – a challenge for South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 39(Suppl. 1):Art. #1774, 9 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v39ns1a1774"

SciELO Analytics 2021. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 2 January 2021.

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January 2020 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
86315 29(3)
58716 34(1)
52852 34(2)
45750 33(3)
44000 30(1)
42150 31(2)
33578 36(2)
32550 34(3)
32176 35(1)
30379 30(3)

SciELO Analytics 2020. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 3 January 2020.

Top 10 articles mostly cited:

Number of requests Article
60106 Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.
30121 Ncontsa VN & Shumba A 2013. The nature, causes and effects of school violence in South African high schools. South African Journal of Education, 33(3):Art. #671, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201503070802
25537 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.
22980 Donohue D & Bornman J 2014. The challenges of realising inclusive education in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 34(2):Art. # 806, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201412071114
21729 Marais P 2016. “We can't believe what we see”: Overcrowded classrooms through the eyes of student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 36(2):Art. # 1201, 10 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v36n2a1201
21543 Moyo G, Khewu NPD & Bayaga A 2014. Disciplinary practices in schools and principles of alternatives to corporal punishment strategies. South African Journal of Education, 34(1):Art. # 779, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201412120952
18129 Nel N & Müller H 2010. The impact of teachers’ limited English proficiency on English second language learners in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(4):635-650. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v30n4a393
15294 Jacobs A 2011. Life Orientation as experienced by learners: A qualitative study in North-West Province. South African Journal of Education, 31(2):212-223. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v31n2a481
15018 De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.
13568 Maphosa C & Shumba A 210. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v30n3a361

SciELO Analytics 2020. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 3 January 2020.


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December 2018 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
76280 29(3)
54266 34(1)
49498 34(2)
40247 30(1)
40107 31(2)
38489 33(3)
29609 34(3)
29346 30(3)
29230 29(2)
28818 35(1)

SciELO Analytics 2018. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 30 December 2018.

Top 10 articles mostly cited:

Number of requests Article
67920 Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.
36531 Ncontsa VN & Shumba A 2013. The nature, causes and effects of school violence in South African high schools. South African Journal of Education, 33(3):Art. #671, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201503070802
32007 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.
27467 Donohue D & Bornman J 2014. The challenges of realising inclusive education in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 34(2):Art. # 806, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201412071114
23825 Nel N & Müller H 2010. The impact of teachers’ limited English proficiency on English second language learners in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(4):635-650. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v30n4a393
23010 Moyo G, Khewu NPD & Bayaga A 2014. Disciplinary practices in schools and principles of alternatives to corporal punishment strategies. South African Journal of Education, 34(1):Art. # 779, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201412120952
22043 Jacobs A 2011. Life Orientation as experienced by learners: A qualitative study in North-West Province. South African Journal of Education, 31(2):212-223. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v31n2a481
21693 De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.
19076 Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: The leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds' effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v30n2a339
17928 Marais P 2016. 'We can't believe what we see': Overcrowded classrooms through the eyes of student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 36(2):Art. # 1201, 10 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/saje.v36n2a1201

SciELO Analytics 2018. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 30 December 2018.

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January 2018 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
52521 29(3)
42294 31(2)
39983 30(1)
37458 34(2)
35269 29(2)
31349 29(1)
27296 28(2)
26646 34(1)
26365 30(3)
25771 33(3)

SciELO Analytics 2018. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 1 January 2018.

Top 10 articles mostly cited:

Number of requests Article
55957 Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.
30163 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.
27101 Ncontsa VN & Shumba A 2013. The nature, causes and effects of school violence in South African high schools. South African Journal of Education, 33(3): Art. #671, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201503070802
23028 Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors' power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184.
22678 Jacobs A 2011. Life Orientation as experienced by learners: a qualitative study in North-West Province. South African Journal of Education, 31(2):212-223.
21576 Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds' effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292.
21505 Nel N & Müller H 2010. The impact of teachers’ limited English proficiency on English second language learners in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(4):635-650.
20232 Donohue D & Bornman J 2014. The challenges of realising inclusive education in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 34(2): Art. # 806, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201412071114
19287 Maphosa C & Shumba A 2010. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399.
18949 Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126.

SciELO Analytics 2018. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 1 January 2018.

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October 2017 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
56700 29(3)
45569 31(2)
43495 30(1)
39061 34(2)
39073 29(2)
28156 34(1)
34256 29(1)
26957 33(3)
28667 30(3)
30377 28(2)

SciELO Analytics 2017. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 19 October 2017.

Top 10 articles mostly cited:

Number of requests Article
50918 Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.
29527 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.
23826 Ncontsa VN & Shumba A 2013. The nature, causes and effects of school violence in South African high schools. South African Journal of Education, 33(3): Art. #671, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201503070802
23137 Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds' effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292.
22900 Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors' power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184.
22298 De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.
22155 Jacobs A 2011. Life Orientation as experienced by learners: a qualitative study in North-West Province. South African Journal of Education, 31(2):212-223.
21004 Nel N & Müller H 2010. The impact of teachers’ limited English proficiency on English second language learners in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(4):635-650.
18623 Maphosa C & Shumba A 2010. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399.
18143 Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126.

SciELO Analytics 2017. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 19 October 2017.

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June 2017 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
65904 29(3)
52714 31(2)
51819 30(1)
47206 29(2)
41215 29(1)
40290 34(2)
38528 30(3)
36475 28(2)
35462 30(2)
31013 34(1)

SciELO Analytics 2017. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 16 June 2017.

Top 10 articles mostly cited:

Number of requests Article
45935 Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.
29887 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.
24860 Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds' effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292.
23424 Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors' power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184.
22307 De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.
22218 Maphosa C & Shumba A 2010. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399.
21497 Nel N & Müller H 2010. The impact of teachers’ limited English proficiency on English second language learners in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(4):635-650.
21394 Jacobs A 2011. Life Orientation as experienced by learners: a qualitative study in North-West Province. South African Journal of Education, 31(2):212-223.
20712 Ncontsa VN & Shumba A 2013. The nature, causes and effects of school violence in South African high schools. South African Journal of Education, 33(3): Art. #671, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201503070802
18823 Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126.

SciELO Analytics 2017. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 16 June 2017.

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March 2017 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
70961 29(3)
56690 31(2)
56592 30(1)
50938 29(2)
44799 29(1)
40290 34(2)
41956 30(3)
39659 28(2)
38630 30(2)
32524 34(1)

SciELO Analytics 2017. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 4 March 2017.

Top 10 articles mostly cited:

Number of requests Article
39211 Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.
27487 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.
22033 Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds' effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292.
21112 Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors' power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184.
20044 Maphosa C & Shumba A 2010. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399.
19560 De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.
18045 Jacobs A 2011. Life Orientation as experienced by learners: a qualitative study in North-West Province. South African Journal of Education, 31(2):212-223.
17316 Nel N & Müller H 2010. The impact of teachers’ limited English proficiency on English second language learners in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(4):635-650.
17105 Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126.
16682 Chigona A & Chetty R 2008. Teen mothers and schooling: lacunae and challenges. South African Journal of Education, 28(2):261-281.

SciELO Analytics 2017. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 4 March 2017.

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December 2016 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
75858 29(3)
64292 30(1)
60424 31(2)
53896 29(2)
48967 29(1)
45731 30(3)
43636 28(2)
41614 30(2)
40290 34(2)
34027 33(3)

SciELO Analytics 2016. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 20 December 2016.


Top 10 articles mostly cited:

of requests
39562 “Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.”
28431 “Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.”
21200 “Maphosa C & Shumba A 2010. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399.”
20935 “Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors’ power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184.”
20749 “Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds’ effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292.”
20366 “De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.”
18255 “Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126.”
18040 “Chigona A & Chetty R 2008. Teen mothers and schooling: lacunae and challenges. South African Journal of Education, 28(2):261-281.”
17761 “Jacobs A 2011. Life Orientation as experienced by learners: a qualitative study in North-West Province. South African Journal of Education, 31(2):212-223.”
16883 “O’Connor J & Geiger M 2009. Challenges facing primary school educators of English Second (or Other) Language learners in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Education, 29(2):253-269.”

SciELO Analytics 2016. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 20 December 2016.


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August 2016 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
72772 29(3)
62330 30(1)
55177 31(2)
52742 29(2)
49394 29(1)
44966 30(3)
44142 28(2)
41234 30(2)
32137 34(2)
29007 30(4)

SciELO Analytics 2016. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 18 August 2016.


Top 10 articles mostly cited:

of requests
36555 “Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.”
26843 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.”
20471 “Maphosa C & Shumba A 2010. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399.”
20429 “Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors’ power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184.”
20258 “Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds’ effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292.”
19767 “De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.”
18457 “Chigona A & Chetty R 2008. Teen mothers and schooling: lacunae and challenges. South African Journal of Education, 28(2):261-281.”
18075 “Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126.”
16294 “O’Connor J & Geiger M 2009. Challenges facing primary school educators of English Second (or Other) Language learners in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Education, 29(2):253-269.”
16141 “Jacobs A 2011. Life Orientation as experienced by learners: a qualitative study in North-West Province. South African Journal of Education, 31(2):212-223.”

SciELO Analytics 2016. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 18 August 2016.

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October 2015 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
72360 29(3)
67815 30(1)
55403 29(2)
53934 28(2)
53767 29(1)
47023 30(3)
44796 30(2)
45245 31(2)
32530 28(1)
26526 29(4)

SciELO South Africa 2004. South African Journal of Education: Most visited issue. Available at http://scielo-log.scielo.br/scielolog//scielolog/scielolog.php?script=sci_statiss&lng=en&pid=0256-0100&app=scieloza&server=www.scielo.org.za. Accessed 11 October 2015.
Top 10 articles mostly cited:

of requests
29018 “Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.”
26284 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.”
20437 “Maphosa C & Shumba A 2010. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399.”
20278 “Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors’ power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184.”
20233 “De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.”
19981 “Chigona A & Chetty R 2008. Teen mothers and schooling: lacunae and challenges. South African Journal of Education, 28(2):261-281.”
18552 “Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126.”
16368 “Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds’ effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292.”
16046 “O’Connor J & Geiger M 2009. Challenges facing primary school educators of English Second (or Other) Language learners in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Education, 29(2):253-269.”
14466 “Phaswana E 2010. Learner councillors’ perspectives on learner participation. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):105-122.”

SciELO South Africa 2004. Library Collection: Most visited issue. Available at http://scielo-log.scielo.br/scielolog//scielolog/scielolog.php?script=sci_statart&lng=en&pid=0256-0100&app=scieloza&server=www.scielo.org.za&dti=20040101. Accessed 11 October 2015.

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