October 2017 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
56700 29(3)
45569 31(2)
43495 30(1)
39061 34(2)
39073 29(2)
28156 34(1)
34256 29(1)
26957 33(3)
28667 30(3)
30377 28(2)

SciELO Analytics 2017. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/issues?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 19 October 2017.

Top 10 articles mostly cited:

Number of requests Article
50918 Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.
29527 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.
23826 Ncontsa VN & Shumba A 2013. The nature, causes and effects of school violence in South African high schools. South African Journal of Education, 33(3): Art. #671, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.15700/201503070802
23137 Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds' effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292.
22900 Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors' power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184.
22298 De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.
22155 Jacobs A 2011. Life Orientation as experienced by learners: a qualitative study in North-West Province. South African Journal of Education, 31(2):212-223.
21004 Nel N & Müller H 2010. The impact of teachers’ limited English proficiency on English second language learners in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(4):635-650.
18623 Maphosa C & Shumba A 2010. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399.
18143 Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126.

SciELO Analytics 2017. South Africa: South African Journal of Education (0256-0100). Available at http://analytics.scielo.org/w/accesses/list/articles?journal=0256-0100&collection=sza. Accessed 19 October 2017.

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