Top 10 issues mostly cited:
Number of requests | Issue |
32704 | 30(1) |
31573 | 29(3) |
29580 | 28(2) |
27224 | 29(1) |
26609 | 29(2) |
22567 | 30(2) |
19528 | 30(3) |
17765 | 28(1) |
14636 | 31(2) |
13976 | 29(4) |
Source : SciELO South Africa 2004. South African Journal of Education Most visited issue.
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Accessed 10 January 2014.
Top 10 articles mostly cited:
Number of requests | Article |
11491 | Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57. |
9645 | Chigona A & Chetty R 2008. Teen mothers and schooling: lacunae and challenges. South African Journal of Education, 28(2):261-281. |
9350 | De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376. |
8063 | Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126. |
7798 | O’Connor J & Geiger M 2009. Challenges facing primary school educators of English Second (or Other) Language learners in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Education, 29(2):253-269. |
7783 | Phaswana E 2010. Learner councillors’ perspectives on learner participation. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):105-122. |
7675 | Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors’ power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184. |
7137 | Steyn M, Badenhorst J & Kamper G 2010. Our voice counts: adolescents’ view on their future in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):169-188. |
7098 | Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358. |
5830 | Mncube V 2009. The perceptions of parents of their role in the democratic governance of schools in South Africa: are they on board? South African Journal of Education, 29(1):83-103. |
Source: SciELO South Africa 2004. Library Collection Most visited issue.
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Accessed 10 January 2014.
Journal Impact Factor: 0.381
5-Year Impact Factor: 0.459
Source: 2012 Journal Citation Reports® Social Sciences Edition – a Thomson Reuters product