October 2015 update

Top 10 issues mostly cited:

Number of requests Issue
72360 29(3)
67815 30(1)
55403 29(2)
53934 28(2)
53767 29(1)
47023 30(3)
44796 30(2)
45245 31(2)
32530 28(1)
26526 29(4)

SciELO South Africa 2004. South African Journal of Education: Most visited issue. Available at http://scielo-log.scielo.br/scielolog//scielolog/scielolog.php?script=sci_statiss&lng=en&pid=0256-0100&app=scieloza&server=www.scielo.org.za. Accessed 11 October 2015.
Top 10 articles mostly cited:

of requests
29018 “Kiggundu E & Nayimuli S 2009. Teaching practice: a make or break phase for student teachers. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):345-358.”
26284 Marais P & Meier C 2010. Disruptive behaviour in the Foundation Phase of schooling. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):41-57.”
20437 “Maphosa C & Shumba A 2010. Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools. South African Journal of Education, 30(3):387-399.”
20278 “Beckmann J & Prinsloo I 2009. Legislation on school governors’ power to appoint educators: friend or foe? South African Journal of Education, 29(2):171-184.”
20233 “De Wet C & Wolhuter C 2009. A transitiological study of some South African educational issues. South African Journal of Education, 29(3):359-376.”
19981 “Chigona A & Chetty R 2008. Teen mothers and schooling: lacunae and challenges. South African Journal of Education, 28(2):261-281.”
18552 “Walton E, Nel N, Hugo A & Muller H 2009. The extent and practice of inclusion in independent schools in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 29(1):105-126.”
16368 “Reyneke M, Meyer L & Nel C 2010. School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds’ effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes. South African Journal of Education, 30(2):277-292.”
16046 “O’Connor J & Geiger M 2009. Challenges facing primary school educators of English Second (or Other) Language learners in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Education, 29(2):253-269.”
14466 “Phaswana E 2010. Learner councillors’ perspectives on learner participation. South African Journal of Education, 30(1):105-122.”

SciELO South Africa 2004. Library Collection: Most visited issue. Available at http://scielo-log.scielo.br/scielolog//scielolog/scielolog.php?script=sci_statart&lng=en&pid=0256-0100&app=scieloza&server=www.scielo.org.za&dti=20040101. Accessed 11 October 2015.

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